You didn’t ask for it, but we have to do it: Edenity’s take on the COVID 19 pandemic. Of course, it’s over (I saw it on television) and you’re tired of hearing about it, but I promise you’ll hear a fresh perspective. In addition to this, we’ll assign the six things that make us crazy to the six chakras, as well as the thirteen qualities of an Edenist. Stace only brought eight of these to the episode, and we brainstormed a couple more on the spot, and filled out the rest right after we stopped recording. Those qualities are: 1. Socially progressive, 2. Fiscally conservative, 3. Politically centrist, 4. Empirically rigorous, 5. Sexual monogomous, 6. Heartfully generous, 7. Philosophically anti-collectivismic, 8. Spiritually non religious, 9. Existentially curious, 10. Non-codependently relational, 11. Emotively sober, 12. Soulfully embodied, and 13. Paradigmatically conscious

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